Vacation Toy Winner - 1999

Belle Curve   28 Instant Songames


3 - 8 years


Ph: 888-357-5867

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Designed by Barbara Sher, an occupational therapist who is known for her non-competitive, inclusion-oriented play activities. She encourages people to play. Her first book was called Extraordinary Play with Ordinary Things and showed how to take recyclable materials and turn them into toys. This tape creates an interaction that involves multiple intelligences, exploring movement identification, social/emotional development and parent/child interaction. There are 28 movement and self-expression games. The tape and booklet for 28 Instant Songames provides children with plenty of activities. It can be taken along wherever they go. It is a great activity for the summer. These games are non-competitive and kid-tested, teach good pre-reading skills, and include a good variety of activities. Sher developed these games with Maboaublo.