
Free Spirit Publishing
Teeth Are Not For Biting

  • Book
  • Socially Responsible
Age Range: 18-36 mos
Price: $7.95
Phone: 866-703-7322
Year Released: 2003
Free Spirit Publishing/Teeth Are Not For Biting

Building on the success of the Hands Are Not For Hitting board book, this new book teaches kids that biting is not okay; it hurts. The author, Elizabeth Verdick gives reasons why children might want to bite. Sometimes your mouth feels sore when new teeth come in. Sometimes you bite when you are hungry, bored or want attention. But, she suggests positive things children can do to make themselves feel better instead of biting. Chewing a chew toy, getting a cold drink, getting hug, telling a grown-up, asking for help and smiling are all appropriate things to do because teeth are not for biting. Free Spirit offers a variety of self-help books that will help children to feel good about being themselves and will help them get along better with other children.

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