
Joy Stories
Joy Stories

  • Compact Disc
  • Plush Toy
  • Puppet
  • Travel
Age Range: 4-9
Price: $18.99
Phone: 866-339-5300
Year Released: 2003
Joy Stories/Joy Stories

Joy Stories are original, metaphorical bedtime stories that are aimed at raising self-esteem. These stories are filled with positive messages that are based on the principles of confidence building. The central character in each story (a bird or a sea turtle dolphin, or horse) succeeds in achieving a goal through his/her inner strength. As a teacher with over thirty years experience, creator Joy Frost is aware that the most significant factor connected to academic achievement is a student’s view of himself/herself. Joy Stories have soft and soothing background music. Each audio story allows the child to use their imagination. The Successful Journey is the story, along with soothing background music, allows the child to use his/her imagination, while going off into a deep, restful sleep. Four titles Trust Yourself, Believe in Yourself, The Successful Journey and Samantha and Starlight are presently available and in November 2003, two more stories Buster and Buddy and Under the Lily Pad will be introduced.

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