
Madacy Kids
Crayola Music Box

  • Compact Disc
Age Range: 3-5
Price: $9.98
Phone: 800-784-0991
Year Released: 2003
Madacy Kids/Crayola Music Box

The Crayola Music Box is a fun, new way for children to express their creativity through music. This 50 song collection on 2 CD’s comes with a sing-along lyric book, a 50-page coloring book with illustrations based on the themes, plus 8 Crayola crayons. There are many favorite songs included such as Baa-Baa Black Sheep, Color My World Crayola, and Do Your Ears Hang Low?. With the vocal talents of the Countdown Kids, these song selections and musical arrangements are sure to please the whole family. Perfect to create and listen to or take along when traveling anytime.

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