
New Hope Records
Early Learning Sing-Along CD

  • Audio Tape
  • Compact Disc
  • Educational Skills Product
  • Musical
Age Range: 2-8
Price: $10.98
Phone: 516-466-6040
Year Released: 2003
New Hope Records/Early Learning Sing-Along CD

These thirteen original songs have catchy, repetitive choruses your child will learn easily and love to sing along. The CD provides songs that are catchy plus the lyrics are included. This product will help your child with oral expression, language, vocabulary development, listening skills and music appreciation. The songs include learning about self awareness, parts of the body, science, feelings, friendship and togetherness, rhythm and movement. Song titles include: I’m Happy, We Are Like One, I Feel So Good When I’m Singing, and Hug Somebody Today. Bobby Susser does a terrific job in producing high quality songs for children that have lots of lasting value.

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