
S & S Innovations
Snowball Fight

  • Card Game
  • Travel
Age Range: 8-12
Price: $17.99
Phone: 866-767-6677
Year Released: 2002
S & S Innovations/Snowball Fight

This card game, created by Jim Sixta and Michael Rogers packs a lot of fun for snow fans. It is a family game that captures the fun of being outdoors with different activities related to outdoor play. In this game, players find themselves wrapped up in luck and strategy while attempting to develop various snowballs to wipe their opponent out. There are 170 round cards included in this game, a card description sheet, score pad and six sided die. Two or more players can enjoy this game anywhere. It is a great way to bring the fun of playing outdoors inside. This game will help your child with basic math skills, communication and strategy.

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