
Strombecker/Tootsie Toy
Alice's Wonderful Tea Party - Service for Two

  • Fantasy Play
Age Range: 3-5
Price: $12.00
Phone: 800-944-8697
Year Released: 2003
Strombecker/Tootsie Toy/Alice's Wonderful Tea Party - Service for Two

This product combines the fun of pretend play tea sets with the classic Alice in Wonderland characters. The decorated pieces in this set include the White Rabbit who waves at you when the tea is poured, petal-shaped magical saucers that hide the tea cups when they are placed down, the Mad Hatter creamer that has a surprise hiding under the lid and a Cheshire Cat shaped sugar bowl that uses his tail as the spoon. Also included are Queen of Hearts spoons and an Ace of Hearts serving tray. There are 11 pieces total. This play set will delight your little one, especially if you combine it with the classic story.

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